
Building Floor Plan Survey for Storo/Nydalen

There is significant development potential in Nydalen/Storo. Consequently, the largest landowners in the area have come together with a common goal: to improve area development by considering Nydalen and Storo in conjunction. The first initiative is now underway.

Oslo Metropolitan Arena (OMA) and OMA’s landowner forum have therefore selected Hille Melbye to conduct a building floor plan survey of Nydalen and Storo.

“The purpose of the survey is to examine how we can achieve better area development by better connecting Nydalen and Storo, as well as creating a more distinct and high-quality green structure and building floor. All the major landowners are involved,” says Øystein Thorup, leader of the landowner forum.

We look forward to working on this exciting project!

Read more on Estate’s website:
