Parallell Commission
OBOS Forretningsbygg AS
Lambertseter – once Oslo’s first satellite town – was established with a completely new concept at the time, which was to build modern homes surrounded by green areas, without strict street structures. There were 8,000 more residents in Lambertseter than today.
It is important to preserve the green character and openness that characterize Lambertseter today. We believe that Lambertseter can both reinforce its own identity and build more homes. We will respect the original concept without street structure, so that it is still possible to live “in the middle of a park.” This is our main principle. This means that Cecilie Thoresens vei will be both urban and green, with a wide sidewalk featuring storefronts and a library contrasting with the green urban residential area on the other side.
We have therefore chosen to divide the volumes so that the forest is in contact with the street. The three high-rise buildings are approximately the same size as the existing high-rise building in Lambertseterveien. The glass noise barrier and an exciting urban space ensure that most people will not perceive it as a massive construction.
The high-rise buildings are shaped with “drawers” that are pulled out and in. This is mainly done with the lightweight outer facade of balcony decks and glass, while the heated core behind is nearly continuous. This makes the buildings rational to construct. The drawer principle also provides good sound insulation, as the area above a “drawer” that is pulled out remains shielded. This is particularly effective in the upper floors.
The northern block is significantly lower and calmer, similar to the existing buildings in Langbølgen or Radarveien.