Kjelsåsveien 114-116

Assisted living units/commercial/activity center


Healthcare, assisted living, parallel commission




Approved detailed zoning and preliminary project, 1st prize in parallel assignment.


Oslo, Norway

Contact persons:

Eva Paulshus, Matthew Griffin-Allwood


Eiendoms- og byfornyelseetaten (EBY)


Ca. 10.000 m²

The planning area is located within Oslo’s “villa carpet,” which surrounds the city. The area is bounded to the east by Kjelsåsveien, to the west by Grefsenveien, to the south by Myrerskogveien, and by low-density residential development to the north. The Property and Renewal Agency (EBY) aims to facilitate the development of elderly care homes of the “care+” type with associated activity centers. Additionally, areas will be allocated for health services such as medical centers and potentially other relevant businesses that benefit the local area. There is a significant need for elderly care homes in Oslo, and this site is well-suited for this purpose, offering a high quality of life for residents. The project consists of 84 elderly care homes.

In 2019, we won the parallel assignment competition together with Nils Tveit Architects, WK Entrepreneurs, and Sweco. The competition was announced by Oslo Housing Development. The preliminary project started in June 2019.